Thursday, August 27, 2009

Adventure Travel Defined!!!

What is Adventure Travel?

  • Adventure travel is to intentionally go beyond one's normal known area, seeking out experiences which are unfamilar.

  • Adventure travel often refers to people who pay adventure activity companies to provide specific kinds of adventure experiences e.g., bungee jumping, whitewater rafting, canyoning, scuba diving, 4 wheel driving, and so on.

  • Adventure travel is a $220 billion dollar industry in the USA (Naisbitt, 1999)

Why do it?

  • A growing industry / field

  • Research has shown that taking adventure risks can bring significant personal experience rewards, as does time spending time in nature

  • Can provide intense and different social experiences

  • Develop new skills and knowledge e.g., can become a career direction

  • Potentially life-changing

Who does do it?

  • Anybody who travels and opts for a more rugged, unknown path than the trodden, known path in the hope of adventure

  • Alternative-thinking yuppies

  • Seasoned travelers seeking novelty

  • Groups seeking novel experiences e.g., wedding parties, schools, etc.

How to do it?

  • Walk out the front door, go and get lost, and come back when you find yourself again

  • Read groovy outdoor adventure magazines - e.g., Outside and ActivPursuits.

  • Join in local adventure activities

  • Ask a travel agent

I like this post, but...

When to do it?


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